The monthly ticket bicycle is available for an entire month on a sliding scale in the tariff areas of Berlin AB, Berlin ABC, the tariff areas AB in Brandenburg a. d. H., Cottbus, Frankfurt (Oder) and Potsdam as well as for the VBB network. The ticket is transferable and works in combination with other tickets. 

If you have a personal ticket for pupils or apprentices valid in the tariff areas AB, BC or ABC of Berlin, Frankfurt (Oder) and Potsdam, you may take a bike with you free of charge.

Ticket prices Berlin

All information in Euro
Ticket Price
Monthly ticket bicycle Berlin AB 13,80
Monthly ticket bicycle Berlin ABC 17,20

Ticket prices Brandenburg a.d.H., Cottbus, Frankfurt (Oder), Potsdam

All information in Euro
Ticket Price
Monthly ticket bicycle Brandenburg a. d. H., Cottbus, Frankfurt (Oder), Potsdam AB 13,80

Ticket price VBB network

All information in Euro
Ticket Price
Monthly ticket bicycle VBB network 28,60