Berlin residents who receive social benefits can purchase the Berlin-Ticket S. The Berlin-Ticket S entitles the holder to use all means of public transport within the tariff area Berlin AB. It is issued as a non-transferable monthly ticket. The offer is not available on a sliding basis, as an annual ticket or as a subscription.

Information about the group of people eligible for the Berlin Ticket S can be found here.

In September 2024, the Berlin Senate has decided that the current notifications of benefits can continue to be used as proof of eligibility for the Berlin-Ticket S from January 1, 2025. At the same time, the issue of the proof of eligibility was terminated on September 30, 2024 and that of the VBB customer card Berlin S on December 31, 2024. 

The Berlin-Ticket S is a personal ticket and consists of a monthly ticket (coupon) (also as a digital ticket) in conjunction with

  • the respective benefit certificate or notification of benefits and an official photo ID or
  • the VBB customer card Berlin S with photo and expiry date.

The monthly tickets (coupons) are only valid if the first name and surname of the authorized person have been entered in the field provided on the coupon.

If people have a VBB customer card Berlin S that is valid beyond December 31, 2024, they can use this card until the end of its term. If people do not have a VBB customer card Berlin S or their card expires before or after January 1, 2025, the previous procedure of presenting the current, valid notification of benefits applies to them. For data protection reasons, personal information may be blackened. 

Recognizable beyond doubt have to be:

  • the letterhead
  • title of the letter (notification of approval / benefits)
  • surname and first name
  • period of authorization

This procedure is initially valid until June 30, 2025.

Receiving the monthly ticket (coupon)

You can purchase the monthly tickets for the price of 9,00 Euro at all ticket machines, in the BVG apps, the DB Navigator and also in private sales shops (e.g. late-night sales shops, newsagents). However, purchasing in customer centers is still possible.

Conditions of carriage

A dog, a stroller and luggage can be taken along free of charge - as can children up to the age of 6 (up to three children on ferries), but no bicycle. To take a bicycle with you once, you must purchase a single ticket bicycle.

Ticket price Berlin

All information in Euro
Ticket Monthly price
Berlin-Ticket S Berlin AB 9,00 EUR