The Brandenburg-Berlin-Ticket is a group ticket for up to five people (plus up to three children aged 6 to 14 years (inclusive) free of charge). 

It is valid from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. the following day from Monday to Friday and all day on Saturdays, Sundays and joint public holidays in both of Berlin and Brandenburg for any number of journeys. You can use all moded of public transport within the VBB-network (with the exception of line 88 of Schöneicher-Rüdersdorfer Straßenbahn GmbH). Some tourist attraction offer additional discounts if the Brandenburg-Berlin-Ticket is shown. 

The ticket is also valid on some long-distance trains. On the train „Stettiner Haff“ (train number 5800) at 8.04 a.m. from Berlin Gesundbrunnen and RB66 (train number 5807) at 8.23 a.m. from Stettin [Szczecin Glówny] the Brandenburg-Berlin-Ticket is valid before 9 a.m. 

The Brandenburg-Berlin-Ticket is valid in the entire VBB network (with the exception of line 88 of Schöneicher-Rüdersdorfer Straßenbahn GmbH) and also in the following route sections starting from the last train station in Brandenburg

    Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania:

    • Fürstenberg (Havel) – Neustrelitz – Waren (Müritz)
    • Fürstenberg (Havel) – Neustrelitz – Neubrandenburg
    • Nechlin – Pasewalk – Jatznick
    • Pasewalk – Ueckermünde Stadthafen


    • Medewitz (Mark) – Jeber-Bergfrieden – Dessau
    • Blönsdorf – Klebitz – Lutherstadt Wittenberg
    • Zellendorf – Linda (Elster) – Holzdorf (Elster) – Herzberg (Elster)


    • Hosena – Lauta (NI) – Hoyerswerda


    • Tantow – Szczecin Gumieńce – Szczecin Główny
    • at urban transport of ZDiTM Szczecin (busses and trams)
    • Küstrin-Kietz – Kostrzyn [in the trains of NEB Betriebsgesellschaft mbH]
    • Forst (Lausitz) – Zasieki [in the regional trains of PR]
    • Frankfurt (Oder) – Słubice [in the regional trains of PR]
    • Frankfurt (Oder) – Słubice [in bus line 983 of Stadtverkehrsgesellschaft Frankfurt (Oder) mbH]

    Additional information

    To take bicycles on local trains, you must purchase a bicycle ticket. If holders of the Brandenburg-Berlin-Ticket take several bicycles with them, for each bicycle taken has to be purchased a bicycle ticket.

    Dogs will be taken into account as a person/adult.

    To protect against misuse, a Brandenburg-Berlin-Ticket is only valid if the day of validity, surname and first name of all people traveling are entered in the fields provided on the ticket. Passengers must enter this information indelibly in block letters before they start their journey - those boarding on the way immediately after boarding - unless this has already been done by the sales system. Children up to 5 years of age do not need to be registered. Every passenger is obliged to provide proof of their identity with an official photo ID when requested to do so during ticket inspection.

    The resale or free transfer of the used Brandenburg-Berlin-Ticket is not permitted.

    Ticket prices VBB network

    All information in Euro
    Ticket 2nd class 1st class
    at ticket machines and online: 35,00 59,00
    at service points: 37,00 61,00
    on board: 38,50 62,50
    transition on board (per "Länderticket"): 24,00 -